The words "when you can't stand to cook" have gone from having hurtful meanings, to hopeful ones in my life. In the book of Proverbs chapter 31 vs 14-15 is where I have always found my call, to be the keeper of my home's kitchen. (taken from NIV)
14: She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
15:She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
When you have restrictions that limit you with ability, time, money or physical challenges in the kitchen those verses in Proverbs can be very daunting. In verse 14, "bringing her food from afar," sometimes knowing just what to get can overwhelm you. In today's economy knowing how to get the most out of your dollar without burning yourself or your gas tank up, can be tricky. What if you aren't able to leave the house to get your food? How do you manage then?
In verse 15, "she gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls." I know in my house, it was I who was up first to prepare for the day. When the boys were babies it seemed like it was never ending. At least now that they are teens they are more self sufficient, however their food quantity has tripled.
In most homes the family looks to mom to make the meals. Therefore I am launching this new blog. Its purpose is to help make things just a bit easier along the way. I will address the basic things, how it is possible to cook from a wheelchair and everything in between. Feel free to contact me if you have a specific need or request. I invite you to take some time, look around and enjoy the new site.
A special thanks to my new friend and designer Edie at without her this blog design would not be possible. God Bless you Edie.